So in your words could you please tell us why the IFDA is important to the design industry. IFDA, as the oldest continuous professional association, provides a forum for design professionals from ALL areas of the design/build disciplines to join together to network, collaborate, educate and provide professional support.  Professional membership is open to all executives, owners, managers, and employees of the many facets of our industry.  IFDA also encourages student membership, not in an isolated school chapter, but to attend professional meetings usually at a reduced rate.  The IFDA-EF is the philanthropic arm of the association and provides the greatest number of grants and scholarships of any association in our industry. What was the purpose of the summit? Our industry is changing rapidly at all levels.  The IFDA-Educational Foundation created this summit as a means to address today’s issues with some of the leading experts who are extremely successful.  The format encouraged participants to ask questions that directly impacted their business experience.  EF also wanted to challenge the attendees with the keynote presentation by one of the most innovative leaders in the design world, Karim Rashid. [twocol_one] Karim Rashid IFDA Design Edge Summit [/twocol_one][twocol_one_last] Rashid at IFDN [/twocol_one_last] What are the benefits for manufactures, like ourselves, in supporting the summit. First, it is an amazing way to get your product name in front of anyone who sees our collateral material in person or online.  Secondly, it shows that Hallmark Floors is committed to the industry in a positive way.  Third, it shows that Hallmark Floors is getting ready for the future of our industry.  Lastly, as IFDA-EF is a registered 501(c)3, your contribution is a donation to the Foundation. [twocol_one] North Carolina Designers [/twocol_one][twocol_one_last] Summitt Edge [/twocol_one_last] In conclusion, we do hope you will consider participating next year when DesignEDGE goes to Las Vegas right before Summer Market.  Once again, it will be loaded with top names in the industry in a spectacular setting.  Watch for details as we get started on the planning. Your support during this inaugural year means more than you know.  We are truly grateful. [hr] IFDA Design Edge Summit